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unlock the power of your data

Struggling to free your data? Don’t allow your data to become locked down in single use proprietary software. Stream data in real-time to your Active Maps dashboard and always be in the know.

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some of the data sources we integrate with
view all of your data in a single window
Stream data into active maps from sensors, CDE's and other software

A single point of access to view, analyse and discuss your data is what we provide. We stream your data from various hardware and software providers and allow you to visualise it all in one place with geographical context.  

no gis expertise needed

Once your data has be integrated with Active Maps visualising it is easy with simple toggle tools, data view options and charts and tables. 

Real Time Data For Everyone

Replace spreadsheets and out of date data with live reports driven by continuously updated data streams. 

build collaboration and trust

At Active Maps we believe data is best shared to allow for positive proactive business decisions. We don't tie our customers down with costly license fees. 

our clients

Dr Peter D. Hunter
Forth-ERA Science Director & Associate Professor of Earth Observation Scotland's International Environment Centre

The team at 3DEO are experts in their field, working with us as experts in ours, we’ve developed a cutting edge digital estate for the Firth of Forth and become an exemplar for digital water in the process, the ability to visualise climate programme results on our Active Maps dashboard allows our successes to be easily digested by a wide target audience.

book your free demo

Choose to find out more about exactly how Active Maps can benefit your business with a no obligation 30 minute online demonstration tailored to your needs. Book a time and date that suits you below.