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data integration

Combine data assets and make them easily accessible for improved business intelligence


amplify the value of your existing data

more value from your data
Active Maps can connect with a variety of data providers, individual data assets such as sensors, data warehouse providers or individual software packages, we'll stream multiple data types into a single window.
break down silos
Your combined data in Active Maps can offer more insights of greater value to all stakeholders. The user simplicity of Active Maps makes the tool accessible to all, not just GIS experts.
scale as you go
We're a cloud native platform that gives you the space to grow, we don't charge license fees per user, share your data dashboards across the team with multiple stakeholders for no extra fees.
Combine and transform your data
Discover the power of Active Maps in making intelligent choices. With our cutting-edge 3D smart places management tool, you can effortlessly integrate data from any external source regardless of manufacturer or data type.
build data models and share with ease
Why invest millions in IoT hardware if your IoT analytics don’t show the full or true story? Embracing location intelligence can enable smart places to drive more value from their network of data – regardless of manufacturer or provider.
No hidden license fees and the ability to share your custom created data dashboards with only the relevant stakeholders means everyone gets access to the data they need when they need it.